I’m a Boss Working from Home, I Can Do as I Please in Meetings, Right?

I don’t know about you, but during the pandemic, I have got to learn a little more than I would like about some people, their leadership styles, etc. For example, some people are so professional and cordial in face-to-face meetings, but let them host a Zoom meeting from home and all of a sudden they become the cousin twice removed of a ravenous Tyrannosaurus Rex.

I have no explanation for this transformation, even though I can hazard a few guesses, including pandemic fatigue. Nevertheless, here are ten TOP THINGS that meeting hosts should remember. Maybe someone may find this to be helpful.

No list is perfect. What would you add?

Do my Behaviour, The Way I Dress, or the Things I Say Matter in Virtual Meetings?

Some of us have been part of a virtual team forever, and we actually find that it facilitates work-life balance. For others of us, virtual meetings have been a pandemic-induced intrusion on our private lives. The newness of the situation, as well as its ambiguity, has resulted in confusion regarding the rules of the virtual meeting, if there are any at all. It has also spawned a newsworthy faux pas from time to time that makes us raise our eyebrows.

Watch the video above and feel share to share what you think. Was it helpful? What would you add? With what did you disagree? Don’t be shy, just be respectful and let us know how you really feel.

Are my Social Media Posts my Boss’s Business?

Celebrities and “ordinary folks” have been finding themselves in the crosshairs at work due to something that they said on social media that came to their boss’s attention.

The question is: should an employee’s social media account even be the boss’s business?

Watch the video above and let us know if you think that what we put in our “private space” is fair game for our bosses.


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Working parents in Portugal can rejoice. New legislation makes it illegal for bosses to contact workers after hours. Although the purpose of the move was to attract more digital nomads to the country, the decision is also of benefit to working parents who have found that the workplace has infiltrated their homes to the point of the distracting. Furthermore, employers will now be required to pay work-from-home expenses for employees such as internet and electricity.

What do you think of this new initiative? Would you like to see similar legislation in your country? If you are a boss, do you think that this initiative negatively impacts productivity? Feel free to chime in in the comments below.


Photo by Tracy Le Blanc on Pexels.com

It is always lovely to receive your emails and private messages.

Do not forget that we can also connect on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

What topic would you like me to write on next? I have some ideas, but I would love to hear yours too!

Have a great day and see you soon!


Communication is not just about getting your message across. Often when persons say someone needs to communicate better, their interpretation is that the message needs to be clearly articulated. In management, I have seen many get stuck in the sender phase. They send out memos articulating their views or have monologues in meetings. The messaging is clear, which is fantastic, especially when connected to transparency. Still, is this enough to stimulate trust?

Tigers fight” by @Doug88888 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Welcome back! First of all, thank you for all of the positive and constructive feedback received in private messages via diverse media. I always love to hear your views. I encourage you to say your piece in the comments sections to facilitate larger discussion and engagement. These articles are not sermons, but points of discussion. You may use a pseudonym if you desire anonymity.

Also, for those who asked about further information on some of the terms and concepts I mentioned, essential information can be found by clicking on the words highlighted in blue, such as the word “trust” below.

Getting back to the matter at hand, as inferred in the previous articles, building trust, however tenuous, is going to be one of your most critical pursuits. As an external hire, or younger internal hire for that matter, to be frank, you come in at a deficit. This status does not have to be permanent, it just means that you have to be willing to put in the work. One of the crucial building blocks in your foundation of trust is communication.

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

Communication is not just about getting your message across. Often when persons say someone needs to communicate better, their interpretation is that the message needs to be clearly articulated. In management, I have seen many get stuck in the sender phase. They send out memos articulating their views or have monologues in meetings. The messaging is clear, which is fantastic, especially when connected to transparency. Still, is this enough to stimulate trust?

I recall, over fifteen years ago, having numerous, frustrating interactions with the mother of one of my daughter’s friends. She was a lawyer turned housewife and had the bad habit of cutting me off whenever I was speaking. It came across to me that she felt that whatever she had to say was more important. It is only on reflection years later, that it occurred to me that her bad habit may have been cultivated in the courtroom. It may have served her well in making a witness or rival attorney lose their balance, but it did not serve her well in her personal life.

By the time she and I had met for the first time, I had been trained in effective listening and communication in university, but I did not want to come across as overbearing and tried to devise subtle ways to break her habit. For example, I tried modelling positive behaviours but she was oblivious. I eventually mentioned to her quietly what she was doing, and how it impacted our communication. She actually made an effort for a while, but her habit was so ingrained that she went right back to what she was doing previously.

Our daughters became very close so I was seeing her at least 5 days a week, despite the fact that we had very little in common. The more we interacted, over the years, I found that I picked up her bad habit and it bled into other social relations. I do not know if it was a case of beholding and becoming changed or that I felt the need to match her toe-to-toe. Whichever way you looked at it, we were two intelligent women, who had mastered the English language, and eloquently articulated our views . . . but we were not communicating . . . because neither was truly listening to what the other had to say. We also never learned to trust each other.

I had to reteach myself to be a better communicator, and it is an ongoing process. I have learned to depend less on my words and more on listening effectively and conveying understanding of what is being said via feedback. In interacting with your new colleagues, I recommend paying attention to these tips which are influenced by the cycle of effective communication.

  1. Start by being a good receiver of the information your colleague conveys. Pay full attention. Try not to be distracted. Focus on what your co-workers are saying. You will have several matters on your mind, I am sure, but do your best to be mentally present so that you may wholly understand their concerns.
  2. Be sure that you understand what they are saying. Use reflective listening to let them know that they are being heard and also to clarify that you understand their messages. Summarising what they are saying or asking questions for clarity are both useful. Body language is also important here. Not only for you to pay attention to theirs, but you also need to be aware of your own. Avoid tense postures such as folding your arms and be sure to nod your head from time to time to let them know you are still with them. Also pay attention to your tone.
  3. Think before you speak. Feedback is the final stage of this process before it restarts and it is important to get it right. Carefully formulate what you are going to say and how you will say it. Avoid being judgemental and consider possible reactions to what you may say to help you choose the best approach. Be sure about the message you want to convey and the objective you are trying to achieve with your response. By this point, you have transitioned from the receiver to the sender in this communication process.

Be Approachable

No one will want to communicate with you if you are aloof. I also know that it is quite possible that you may want to project an air of austerity so that your position of authority is understood and cemented. It is a delicate balance and you will need to be shrewd in deducing when to exude an air of gravity versus an air of friendliness without familiarity.

Let persons know that your proverbial door is always open. Encourage feedback in meetings. Emphasise the importance of teamwork and present opportunities for individuals to play to their strengths. If you find that you always seem to be overwhelmed with work and you do not have time to hear worker concerns, make that time by scheduling one-on-one meetings if ad hoc discussions are not feasible.

Document, Document, Document

There are several reasons why documentation is important. Keeping good records ensures consistency in the organisation and may also come in handy if there is the need to clear up any confusion on certain matters. It is time-consuming and it may seem as if it is getting in the way of all of the things you have to do but do it anyway. It is good for the organisation and it is a good habit for you.

Earn Your Pay, Balance Your Life

Being a manager requires sacrifices of time, physical and mental energy. Have a strong work ethic, but also find time for self-care and for your family. You cannot help and guide your department if your stores are depleted. Try to implement as much work-life balance as possible.

Final Thoughts

As a commenter mentioned, although the focus of the article seems to be on young managers, there is value in them for managers of all ages, all countries and all stages of their careers. External hires have their own unique battles, but internal hires who go from peer to supervisor have similar ones. Wishing all of our young managers the best of luck, and all managers who are new to their positions.

What other tips would you suggest to help them navigate these waters? What stood out the most to you in these articles? Are there any tips that you would like to take away and apply in your own work?


            This article has been inspired by the current climate in the Barbados Labour market. If one is moving back to Barbados, it cannot be with blinders. Have a job lined up before you come or be sure that you have significant savings if you want to move first and search for employment after. For those who are already here as business persons, and are facing financial challenges which may require that you must terminate employees, remember that there are methods that encourage all parties to handle a difficult situation with grace.

It should be no surprise to anyone that terminations are traumatic experiences. For example, a recent news article mentioned the fainting of a Drainage Division worker on hearing she would be laid off. To be laid-off means more than losing a job or losing money. It means the disruption of many facets of one’s life including family challenges which may arise due to the economic and emotional strain that has been introduced. Simply put, a person’s life is turned upside-down. The experience may be less jolting, however, with proper management.

Wayne F. Cascio, a Distinguished University Professor at the University of Colorado and a prolific writer, states in his book, Managing Human Resources, that when creating policies in regards to layoffs, that one should consider the impact on several groups inclusive of those who are leaving and those who remain. He purports the need for “face-to-face, candid, open communication” between senior management and staff. He encourages preparation and support for those who will be laid-off, helping them through their transition. He also recommends openness with the survivors of layoffs to cultivate trust in order to boost morale and help them to feel more secure, loyal, motivated and productive.

Raymond A. Noe, a training and development specialist, endorses these thoughts in his text, Employee Training and Development, and takes it even further. He notes that research has shown that layoffs do not result in increased profits, but that they can have an adverse effect on productivity, work load, commitment and morale of workers. He suggests that alternative ways to reduce labour costs should be considered first, such as fewer working hours for employees, early retirement plans, delayed wage increases and not filling positions created by retirement and turnover. If these methods prove fruitless and layoffs are inevitable then it is the responsibility of management to adequately prepare all workers while trying to diminish any negative consequences.

If certain courtesies are extended, such as advance notice, clear and adequate explanations, and provisions for psychological, financial and career counselling, there are benefits to all parties. Those to be laid-off are not caught off-guard, are given time to make other arrangements and are even given resources to make the transition easier. Those who remain employed will have better attitudes and should maintain productivity once a sense of fairness has been exhibited. Furthermore, the reputation of the employer remains relatively unsullied if this approach is taken.

Timing is also important. Noe suggests that termination announcements should not be made on Friday afternoons, very late on any day or before a holiday. He advises that termination should happen early in the week to facilitate employees receiving counselling and possibly outplacement assistance.

Employees should also be aware of their rights and privileges. For example, they should know what to expect from Barbados labour legislation such as the Severance Payments Act or any benefits to be expected from National Insurance. They should also know where to access services such as the Government-funded Employee Assistance Programme for public workers. Ideally, if there is open communication, transparency, honest and fair treatment, the result of the retrenchment transition should leave all with their dignity intact.

Bajan Mom has a background in Psychology and MSc in Management