Mental Health Resources

With the number of reported suicides in Barbados rising, many have been shocked into the reality of the state of mental health in this country. One of the common phrases over the past few days have been, “but he or she seemed so happy.” There are many happy people out there who are struggling.

There are those who believe they have overcome their depression and then succumb to a weak moment. There are those who are smiling to protect their loved ones from their pain. There are those who are smiling to get through the working day.There are those who are smiling to suppress the realities of social ills in their life such as abuse. There are those who are smiling because they are leaders and they are expected to motivate and inspire. They are those who are smiling because their boss expects them to function. There are those who smile because friends and family have become tired of hearing of their depression, and they smile to spare them even though they are still hurting.

There are so many reasons why they may smile, but this does not invalidate their pain. This does not invalidate your pain.

Some may have somewhere to turn but may not realise where their resources are. If you find yourself in such a situation, here are some resources compiled by a mental health advocacy group called Let’s Unpack It.

RSPCA – Save a life, Make a Friend

saving a dog

This page is for the animal lovers. If you are looking for a pet, or looking for a companion for your furrier family members, before seeking to purchase, why not take a drive on the Spring Garden Highway and stop by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals? Before leaving the island, my husband and I had the privilege of utilising some of their services. We employed the Society’s veterinary services for our dogs and adopted a lovely white older dog of indeterminate origin named Venus. Sadly, we also had their assistance when we had to find a home for our beautiful Great Dane mix in 2003. Naresh Belgrave, an employee at the RSPCA, was very considerate and kept us updated, letting us know when our Thunder found a good home a week later. The RSPCA also has kennels for those owners who need somewhere for their pets to stay while they are overseas, renovating their homes, or to spare their furry friends in the hustle and bustle of a busy move.

               My daughter is interested in becoming a vet and my sons love animals, so we were quite pleased when Dr. Joyanne Pollard gave of her preciously little spare time to accommodate a visit from my family last weekend. (Thank you again, Dr. Pollard!) The short tour was enjoyable and informative. At that time Dr. Pollard said that there were 48 animals waiting to be adopted. Of course, these numbers constantly change as animals are adopted and new ones arrive. Case in point, we saw these gorgeous brothers last weekend and by this weekend, they are enjoying new homes after adoption.

Photo by Naresh Belgrave, RSPCA Photo by Naresh Belgrave, RSPCA

               There are others waiting for adoption, however, so feel free to visit them at their Cheltenham Lodge location, next to Courts Warehouse. You can also call the RSPCA at (246) 426-3077 or visit their frequently updated Facebook page for more information. Most of the dogs and all of the puppies, since they are more susceptible to diseases such as Parvo, are vaccinated. The cats and kittens are wormed and treated for fleas, however, if the new owner wants the adoptee to be vaccinated, then the new owner may pay to have this done. All adult animals are neutered before going to their new homes. Volunteers (from age 11) and donations are always welcome. So why not save a life, and make a friend today?

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