Mental Health Resources

With the number of reported suicides in Barbados rising, many have been shocked into the reality of the state of mental health in this country. One of the common phrases over the past few days have been, “but he or she seemed so happy.” There are many happy people out there who are struggling.

There are those who believe they have overcome their depression and then succumb to a weak moment. There are those who are smiling to protect their loved ones from their pain. There are those who are smiling to get through the working day.There are those who are smiling to suppress the realities of social ills in their life such as abuse. There are those who are smiling because they are leaders and they are expected to motivate and inspire. They are those who are smiling because their boss expects them to function. There are those who smile because friends and family have become tired of hearing of their depression, and they smile to spare them even though they are still hurting.

There are so many reasons why they may smile, but this does not invalidate their pain. This does not invalidate your pain.

Some may have somewhere to turn but may not realise where their resources are. If you find yourself in such a situation, here are some resources compiled by a mental health advocacy group called Let’s Unpack It.